Sunday, 28 February 2010

Six days to go

My first post, over the years I have recorded thoughts and stories about farming failures and victories in diaries, workbooks and on my own website.  after taking a rest for a year, here I am again with only 6 days until lambing is due to start.
We have a 27 acre croft and keep a mix of sheep.  A small flock of four-horned pedigree Jacobs and a mix of Mules, Shetlands and crosses.  There are 34 ewes; 32 of which are due to lamb between now and April with two late comers not due until 30th May.
Our Jacobs were tupped with our own tup, Tom.  For our assorted 'white' sheep we borrowed our neighbours three texel tups.
We lamb indoors in our old stone steading. having scanned the ewes at eighty days we have seperated the sheep; one pen for singles and another for twins and triplets to allow different rates of feeding. The ewes have been indoors now for a week and have settled in nicely.  For now we are just watching and waiting.  looking like paranoid grandparents for signs of the many and varoius ailments that a pregnant sheep can succomb to.   So far so good just a few sore feet.